Britain First handed temporary ban from Luton after arrests

Britain First leader Paul Golding (centre) and other members in Bury ParkBritain First leader Paul Golding (centre) and other members in Bury Park
Britain First leader Paul Golding (centre) and other members in Bury Park
The leaders of a far-right group have been temporarily banned from entering Luton, after being arrested over a heated march through Bury Park last month.

On Monday Britain First’s Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen were arrested and interviewed by Beds Police officers at North Kent police station.

Beds Police has said that the pair were detained over allegations of a public order offence, while Golding and Fransen say they were arrested for “wearing political uniforms” during their ‘Christian Patrol’ through Bury Park on January 23.

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A Beds Police spokesperson told the Luton News: “A 34-year-old man from London and a 29-year-old woman from London have been arrested on suspicion of a public order offence in connection to a demonstration that took place in Luton on 23 January.

“They have been bailed pending further enquiries.”

Bail conditions prevent Golding and Fransen from entering Luton until after May 30, when the pair will visit North Kent police station.

Golding and Fransen will also need to report to Bromley police station every Saturday until that date.

The pair have called the conditions ‘outrageous’.

In a statement Britain First said: “This means that both Paul and Jayda will be unable to attend any days of action, protests or activities on any Saturday for the next four months!

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“We are going to apply immediately to the magistrates court to have this part of the conditions challenged.”

The arrests come eight months after Beds Police took Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen to High Court, in a bid to obtain an injuction to ban the pair from the town.

The force failed, but managed to secure an interim injunction which banned the pair from publishing or distributing material which is “likely to stir up religious and/or racial hatred” or behaving in a way that would cause “harassment, alarm or distress” for a period of 12 months.