Brew up to forget the January blues

Samaritans posterSamaritans poster
Samaritans poster
Next Monday - January 16 '“ has been dubbed Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year because it's when December's bills start coming in, the weather turns even chillier and we realise just how many New Year's resolutions we've already broken.

But Samaritans are taking a more positive approach. They’ve renamed it Brew Monday and their advice is to ignore all the doom and gloom and take time out for a cuppa and chat with family, friends of colleagues.

You could also do something practical for someone who’s struggling – let them know the charity’s free helpline (116 123) is available 24/7.

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Volunteers from the Luton, South Beds and Harpenden branch will be at The Mall on Monday between 11am and 4pm brewing up a treat for commuters and shoppers. They’ll be handing out specially-produced Samaritans tea bags with support from Network Rail and the wider rail industry.

Director Ian Franks said: “Difficult feelings don’t work to a calendar and external circumstances are only one part of what can make life feel overwhelming

“We’ll be ready to listen to whatever you need to talk about – health, family, work, relationships, money issues or feelings of loneliness, isolation and uncertainty.”

He added: “If you want to make an even bigger difference, why not think about giving some time or money to help keep our life-saving servcies going?”

> Visit the branch at 33 Cardiff Road or call 01582 720666.