Heartfelt gift to L&D Hospital from Zippers

Terry Evans, centre, presents cheque to L&DTerry Evans, centre, presents cheque to L&D
Terry Evans, centre, presents cheque to L&D
The National Zippers Bowling Association has donated £3,000 to the Luton &Dunstable Hospital’s Cardiac Centre.

Zippers are so called because of the large scar in the middle of their chest following open-heart surgery.

The cheque was presented by Terry Evans, of Beechwood Court, Dunstable.

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The money will enable the cardiac team at the L&D to buy two heart monitors, which will measure abnormalities in the heart rhythm and rate.

These monitors can be taken home by patients so they can stay monitored in the comfort of their own home rather than having to remain in hospital overnight.

Mr Evans, making the presentation on behalf of the NZBA, has been a cardiac patient at the L&D for more than 30 years.

He said: “They have always looked after me and never let me down.

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“Everyone there has always been lovely to me and saved my life on various occasions. This is my way of saying thank you.”

Membership of the NZBA is open to anyone who has undergone invasive heartsurgery, which includes key-hole surgery, stent or valve replacement or pace-maker fitting.

They play bowls both inside and outside as part of friendly fundraising competitions to help raise money for local cardiac hospitals, coronary care units and rehabilitation centres.

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